LibTracker Simplify dependency management with this simple SBOM Tool
We've been making solid progress on **LibTracker**, our lightweight SBOM tool designed to simplify dependency management. Recent updates include:
🔹 **Current Progress**
- Completed CRUD functionality for projects and apps
- Enabled opening apps directly in the terminal or VS Code
- Added support for Flutter on Android, iOS, and macOS
🔍 **Learned So Far**
- WebView panels don't support `alert`, `confirm`, or `modals`
- Panel development resembles a client-server model, where the WebView panel acts as the client, and extension API lives on the "server"
- Vanilla JS has proven useful for TDD
- Leveraged npm libraries to parse Gradle files for Android support
🎯 **Next Steps**
- Obtain framework and programming language metadata for all apps listed in the popular section
- Develop an app dependency page to:
- View licenses
- Display security vulnerabilities
- Enable CRUD on dependencies
- (Possibly) Identify unused packages—challenging but potentially achievable with executables
Let us know your thoughts and any insights