Fornite BANNED! Why having a website is more valuable than being in the App Store

Ap 1nabillion talks why having a website is more valuable than being in the app store


So I posted this video a few weeks ago in which I stated why having a website is more valuable than being in the app store.

I said I prefer users to go directly to and download our app from there. Now Fortnite, which is the #1 game in the world, has been BANNED from Google play and the Apple App store. Why? Because both stores take 30% of all your profits just for you to be listed in their stores. Fornite felt that was unfair so their app is now available only through their own site and the Galaxy store.
Just like our apps are only available through our sites and the Galaxy store.

Internet/Tech Entrepreneurship is my GIFT! God has blessed me to be 10 steps ahead in this field. Please stop fighting it. Stop trying to compete with me. I'm not in competition with no man or woman. I'm just living my life with purpose and obeying what THE SPIRIT pushes me to do. God told Noah to build the ark and everyone laughed and thought he was crazy for building it. Why didn't God have 10 other people building arks? Many are called but few are chosen.

Ap 1nabillion

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