Who is your access point?

Mentors are access points. Who is your access point?

What's good?
It's AP.
One in a billion and I'm back.
Happy New Year to everybody.
I hope you guys are already starting your new year off great.
Mine is great because my life is great.
Why is my life great?
Because I know my purpose in life and I'm blessed
to have my family a part of what I do.
I'm blessed to be chosen by God.
I'm blessed to be an access point.
And that's what I wanted to talk to you guys about today.
It's very important for you guys to reach those access points.
It is very important for you to
actualized and to step into portals, to step into access points.
So my question for you is, who is your access point?
When it came to me, there were a lot of things that I wanted to achieve in life.
I wanted to become a major success.
I wanted to be successful as a content creator.
Before even the content creator, I wanted to be successful in music.
and i wanted to be successful in sports as well when it came to sports there were people that god put in my life i was very fortunate to have my brothers right there by my side so my my brothers they were super talented my brother omar crazy handle point guard point god you know i mean he could pass
Fast, speed, all of that good stuff.
Then my brother Kwame comes along.
The shooter.
The shooter.
A Steph Curry assassin-like shooter.
So I said, you know what?
My brothers is nice.
I don't need nobody else.
All I got to do is listen to them and I'll be straight.
Now guess what?
How that turned out for me?
I'm over here talking to you right now, and I'm not playing ball.
It's not saying that they weren't good, that they weren't great.
But what it's saying is that as great as they were, the skill set that they taught me, I used it, and it worked for me in a one-on-one setting.
It worked for me whenever I played against people one-on-one, but in a team setting, it didn't necessarily work like that.
And it wasn't their fault.
It was my fault.
Because there were other people that God sent in my life that were access points.
And those access points, you have the opportunity to either learn from those access points or
to deny and not walk through those doors.
So me, because of my pride, I chose not to walk through those doors because of my pride.
I didn't even realize those people were access points when they wanted to help me.
I was like, I don't need you.
I don't need you.
I don't need your help.
Like, we're going to do this on our own.
And what that led to was
a lack of success in those areas.
So I'll fast forward and I'll say, when it came to my career as a tech entrepreneur, when it came to my career as for a content creator, I moved to California and prior to moving to California, in New York, I was
one of the only people that was doing what I was doing.
One of the only people in the early 2000s that you would see out holding a camera or having a camera on a tripod.
And at the same time, while having a camera on a tripod, we video on what we're doing.
And then we're sharing it online.
And then hundreds of thousands of people are watching this content.
And people are like, yo, what is he doing?
what is bro doing but i knew that i was on to something because the fruit the fruit that i would bear from this most people did not bear this fruit pop on scene you know i'm networking with so many people i'm meeting different people i met my wife dangerous diva online and i'm like okay
This is good.
And most people are like, where did he meet her?
How is he doing this?
How is he doing that?
So I was an anomaly in New York at the time I moved to California and now I'm making more content, but guess what?
I'm in a land where film is the thing that people do.
You go to the grocery store,
people working in Trader Joe's and they're like, oh yeah, I was just on set for the last movie for this and that, I'm a video editor, I'm a photographer, I'm a broadcaster, I'm an actor, I'm a musician, I do this, I do that, I'm a producer, I'm a writer, and I do it well, all of these people I'm meeting.
This is what they do for a living.
So I said, hey, how can I serve these people?
How can I stay around these people?
Because you know why?
They are an access point.
And then as I began to stay around, stick around and serve these people and be a part of what they had going on, I gained access.
So everybody on the East Coast is like,
Yo, you see AP?
He out there in Hollywood right now.
He there with all of the stars, all of the celebrities, everybody we watched on TV he's with them right now.
How did he do it?
How does he know?
And I'm telling you how I knew because I was willing to serve those who had access.
Now, there's two things you can do either you can have money and your money
can grant you some level of access or you can serve those who have access so in many instances i had to do both and sometimes i had to use my money there's other times i had to serve in order to gain access and what really gave me access is when i got mentors i started getting mentors
I tell you guys time and time again, Ellie Sepak.
Ellie Sepak reporting one of my first mentors with YouTube.
One of my first mentors, a person to show me that through making video content, I could get paid.
I could get some scratch.
I could get some money from making video content now and provide for my family.
So, I was one of the first people
at least that i knew that was doing it so when i told people about this people who didn't have access they're like ap you lying bro it's 2011. you're not getting paid for this my wife knew he was getting paid my son was eating good he knew he was getting paid my family that had access to what i was doing they knew i was getting paid but everybody else
They didn't know it was real.
It took years before they knew it was real because I'm not the private person to be like, look what I bought.
See, I told you I didn't even do none of that.
But I had access.
And while I had access, I kept growing and growing and growing.
And then more opportunities came.
And guess what happened with those opportunities?
More access, more access points.
Next thing you know,
It's 2012 to 2013 and I have my own network.
And now with my network, I'm signing talent.
I'm helping that talent succeed in the digital space.
I'm helping other people to reach millions of views, to earn millions of dollars.
I became an access point for those people.
So fast forward.
Me and my family, we achieve all of the success as a soul and love family.
And because I have access, I've granted my children access.
I've granted my in-laws access.
I've granted other people access.
And these people are all succeeding.
Everybody, my mom, I just was looking at it yesterday.
My mom's, even for, my mom has a couponing channel.
She's making $300 a month, $500 a month, a couple hundred dollars a month just to,
post videos?
You got 16,000 subscribers and you're in your 70s?
Like, how many people do that?
But my mom was able to do that.
Because her son had access and we are only talking over the phone.
She's not even face to face with me.
When she was face to face with me, we're making videos together and she's going to the stars.
She's reaching higher heights than she's ever reached before.
So, there would be people
Many of them who I talk to over the phone.
People I'm talking to over the phone.
Helping them to grow their brands.
My wife helping people to grow their brands.
And these people are these students, these mentees, they're bringing in hundreds and thousands of dollars every month just from phone consultations.
of us helping them and granting them access.
I'm like, you could only imagine what would happen if we were together, if we were face-to-face, like some of the others, like a Professor Live who to be face-to-face and in the same state, you go to higher heights, you go into millions because of the access point that you have.
So fast forward.
Here we are, 2023.
Actually, it's 2024 now.
Here we are, 2024.
This is my first time saying it, I guess.
And we have our own platform.
We are four years into the BlackTube.
Now, the platform is growing, growing.
We have thousands of content creators, thousands of users.
I don't even got to say content creators.
Thousands of users who we have now monetized all of them.
Every last one of you that joined the blacktube.com, you instantly get monetized today.
I don't know how long that's going to last where we monetize everybody.
But today, we are an access point for you the content creators to monetize all your content.
And I have to
Once again, not even the content creator.
For the users to monetize just for using the platform.
I would love to keep it going.
I would love to be this access point forever.
But you know what?
I'm not in control.
God is the one that's in control.
So I have to be obedient.
Whatever he tells me to do, I'm going to do that.
So when the Spirit spoke to me one day, he said, you know what?
This platform is a platform that opens doors for so many others.
This world is supposed to be in one of the most major depressions, recessions of all time.
Well here, I've given you a platform where you now are an access point for people to generate revenue just for watching content, just for
click and like, just for leaving comments, just for sending people over through their affiliates links to join the platform.
We are an access point.
It's a new year.
Many of you guys, you want to be great.
You want to start your own company.
Just be honest.
I mean, come on.
You don't want to work this nine to five anymore.
I know you don't.
I know you're tired of that job.
I know you want to do something better with your life.
I know that there's an idea that's burning inside of you and with that idea, you're saying, how can I get it out?
How can I take this to the next level?
You need an access point.
You need a mentor.
You need someone who can grant you access so your startup can turn into something huge.
Coach AP is here.
I specialize in creating startup companies and helping those startup companies go from no revenue to six figures, seven figure revenue.
This is what we want to do with you guys, with your startup companies.
In order to do that, you have to embrace mentorship.
You need
a mentor.
I tried on my own for the longest and I failed miserably over and over again at trying to scale companies on my own.
It wasn't until I had the mentors.
It wasn't until the mentorship that me having access to access points
that I went to the next level.
It's in the Bible.
How many men of God, women of God, Moses was an access point.
Abraham was an access point.
Gideon was an access point.
How many access points are there?
And Jesus, the number one of all time access point.
And no matter who you are, there are people who they say, oh, no, I don't want to follow.
I don't believe.
I don't know what to do.
Do not be led astray.
Now is not the time.
Now is not the season.
I'm telling you.
You need an access point.
I've spent so many years where I'm like, okay.
Let me just build my content.
Let me just build this up with my family.
I can do so many things, honestly.
From video editing to music production to acting to writing.
The list goes on.
There's so many things.
Web development.
I'm not even going to tell you all of the things I can do.
Do you want me to refresh?
Do you remember a lot of times
refresh just restarted the whole thing because a week could but then you have to start off from what you just left off with it is frozen yeah more refresh just in case let's just start over everybody go in
Is this an older computer?
Not old, but it's like a 2016, 17, something like that.
Probably need more space on it for it to keep doing that.
Might need another RAM stick.
I'm going to look through it and see what's going on.
It's a freedom often, right?
Yeah, we're going to check it out.
Check it, check it, check it out.
It's at the point I can't even restart.
Come on.
Here, let me see.
You know, when you click it enough times, and then it, like, say, please wait, Chris.
It's not working.
Do you want to force quit?
It's not a PC.
Yeah, I thought that the Windows thing.
It's like you like fluid.
That white wall.
I don't even know what control and delete is on here.
I got that.
I don't think.
I thought it was this.
I don't even think it's delete.
It's not control and delete.
It's something else.
It's like shift command something.
okay no command alt s look oh
I'm back on.
Is it recording?
And I'm back.
So I've done many things on my own.
many things i have many skills i have a skill set a skill set where there's many different hats that i can wear and i can wear them well however it is a season now that i know that god has me in this season where he's like okay you've been in your house
you've been creating all of this content you've helped your family to go to higher heights but i want you to be an access point like never before so in order for me to be this access point like never before i had to get out the house baby i had to get out i had to open and create studios i had to open
schools i have to train up as many people as i can and you know what the there's many people that are interested there's many people that they say coach ap i need your help i want to go to that next level i want to be coached i want to be mentored i need a great mentor please help me to go to the next level so i've been there
And I'm helping so many people to go to the next level.
I only got room to let in a few more people, maybe 10 people right now.
I want you to be in that number because the portal is closing.
I want to be that access point for you.
I wish I could be that access point for so many more people.
but that access point, this portal is closing because I want to be able to give all of the attention needed to help you go to the next level.
You got a new business, you got a new idea and maybe some of you, you started a business, you don't know what to do with the business.
Then some of you, you started a channel or
You started a podcast, you started something and you actually, you've got good traction.
But now you don't know what to do next.
You don't know what to do with the success.
You need an access point.
You need someone who's been there.
You need someone who has the wisdom, who has the experience that's experienced it all.
I've experienced it all in this digital space.
And I want to help you to get to that next level.
So there's higher heights for all of you to go to.
I want to help you get to that next level.
So sign up for my course.
Actually, so sign up for my mentorship program.
I'm extremely excited about this mentorship program.
You guys are going to learn so much from the spiritual guidance side.
so sign up for my mentorship program you guys are going to learn so much during this mentorship program it's a 12-month program i want you to start your new year off i want this whole year to be a year where you elevate you don't need a one-month trial you don't need two months and then you're done no we need a year together to start
at least a year to start and i want to help you to go to higher heights than you've ever gone before in your life higher heights in your career these different ideas that you have you need someone you need an access point you need mentoring to help you take things to the next level you need constant reinforcement you need to be pushed pushed to higher heights i want to be that person for you so sign up
Sign-ups are closing.
I'm telling you, only 10 slots left right now.
10 slots.
I want you to be in that number.
So sign up as soon as you can.
We have special, special, special rates.
I can't even tell you to code for it right now.
But if you are a part of, you're part of my family, you know we're family.
That Revelation family, if you're a part of that family, then something special here for you.
We slashing it.
We are slashing the prices for you.
This is exclusive for you guys where I see you in church, I see you at Rev all of the time and I want to help you guys.
I want to help you to actualize your dreams, your wildest dreams.
I want to see those dreams fulfilled in this season.
So, sign up now.
Sign up now for this mentorship program.
and we're going to take you to higher heights we're going to do we're going to have field trips you're going to learn from mentors like myself including other mentors whether it's mentors and acting whether it's mentors and day trading whether it's mentors and music production whether it's mentors and photography video videography editing fashion the the fields
are unlimited.
We're excited for you guys.
We're excited to take you to higher heights.
I want to see you guys, like I said, living the lifestyle of your dreams.
When I see you, I want you to take me out to eat.
That's my goal.
I want you to be like, you know what, coach?
It's on me.
You know what I mean?
So as we help you guys go to higher heights, as we help you to fulfill your wildest dreams,
In Jesus' name, we all will be living a lifestyle where not only can we bless and take care of our families, but we can bless the man of God.
We can bless Prophet Lovy.
We can bless Mama Mag.
We can bless Revelation Church.
And we can win so many more souls.
For me, it's always been about winning souls.
and how much more can we do when we start actually generating the revenue that we need to.
So I'm extremely excited for you.
I'm extremely excited to spend this year with you, spend this year teaching you how to take care of your body, teaching you how to take care of your mind, teaching you how to know
a lot of people get confused they say okay um i'm running this business but uh how do i know i'm hearing from god is this god i'm hearing from or is this my flesh speaking right now what do i do how do i incorporate god into my business what what do i do um when do i start when do i stop what what what time do i wake up what time do i go to sleep um how do i start off my day
Well, what do I eat?
How do I manage a staff?
How do I get funding for my business?
How do I manage money?
How much money do I need to actually become successful?
What happens when I get a bad review?
What happens if a customer doesn't like something?
Well, what do I do?
How do we overcome?
What happens?
There's so many things, so many issues, so many different tasks that you're going to go through within a business.
These are all everyday things that me, my wife, and even me before I was even married as a business owner for 23 years that I've gone through.
So I'm looking forward to sharing many of my tips and tricks with you guys.
Log on to coachap.net.
Sign up today.
Sign up right now.
Sign up.
I look forward to helping you guys elevate.
It's elevation time.
Coach AP, let's build.

Ap 1nabillion

14 blog posts
