Joining Melanin Book is a great opportunity to build with like minded individuals, I just so happen to stumble upon this site in a facebook group page and now I created my profile and simply look forward to being proactive to make this work for me as well as my fellow sisters and brothers.
I will try to post a blog daily and share my thoughts and insights about photography, World Affairs and our communities.
Things I love to capture is Family events like Weddings, Sweet 16s, Reunions, Anniversaires and more.
I also love to capture nature, people in general, live performances in more..
To Simplify my interest I would say I just like to capture LIFE!
If interested in connecting please check out my profile and connect to my group, Check out my Products in the Market and follow my Photography Page.
I thank you all in advance!
Ap 1nabillion 5 yrs
Good read my brother. Looking forward to your daily blog